Words to Live By

A Nature-Inspired Memory Journal
This week I’m continuing my year-long journey of making daily art and today marks day 87.
With the month of March ending in several days, I’m almost finished with the pages for my quotation journal. I’ve really enjoyed making these particular journal pages and can’t wait to begin assembling them into a completed journal.
I still have quite a lot of favorite quotes that didn’t get included, so I think I might make another journal later in the year. So many lovely words to live by.

This Week’s Journal Pages

Quotation Journal: Explore-Dream-Discover
Quotation Journal: Wings
Quotation Journal: Dancing Lightly
Quotation Journal: Be the Change
Quotation Journal: Seeing Things
Quotation Journal: Connection
Quotation Journal: Courage

About my Daily Journal Pages

During March I’m using my printable journal – Free Spirit to make daily journal pages. At the end of the month I’ll be assembling the pages to make a completed journal.
If you’d like to create your own quote journal, you can find the Free Spirit printable journal kit here in my online store. You can see more of my journal pages here.