This month begins another fun year of Creative Art’n’Soul Journaling video workshops. During this series of workshops we’ll attempt to unravel the mystery of our personal stories and translate them onto the pages of our stitched mixed media journals. This is one of my favorite methods of journal-making. Part story book, part art journal, the pages overflow with painted papers, fabric and stitches, images and words, and other types of creative embellishment.
The first video workshop for the new year is called The Transitions Journal. This particular journal evolved from one of my favorite yearly rituals. Toward the end of the year I like to do a review of the past year as a way to identify the things/situations/feelings that I don’t want to carry with me into the coming year. I also like to look ahead into the new year, imagine the things I want to accomplish, and envision how I want the year to look and feel. This process is like a cleansing ritual that allows me to identify the dark and unwanted stories that have shaped my life during the year, reimagine them, then reframe them in a more positive way. This clears a path to begin the new year with a fresh outlook and positive attitude.
Normally I do this process using pen and paper in my writing journal, but this year I approached it in a slightly different way. As well as using my writing journal to get clear about things, I also made a stitched visual journal where I could explore those thoughts and feelings through an artful process. Whilst using a writing journal helps to process things from a practical left brain viewpoint, making art allows the right brain to express those thoughts in a fun and creative way. Working with a whole brain process allows us to have a balanced viewpoint and make better choices about the things that are important to us.
The Transitions Journal is a fun and creative way to design a new story for the coming year that will become the doorway for all your hopes and dreams and plans.
This workshop also includes a lesson on natural dyeing with fruit tea bags to create beautiful fabric to use in your journal.