Last week I began my year-long project of making a journal page every day with the intention of collecting daily memories along the way.
To make it easy to get started with this project I designed a printable journal kit with the idea of using the printable pages as an easy way to create my journals. I have to admit that I wasn’t exactly sure how it was all going to work out. Sometimes ideas seem better in your head than they do in real life. However I’m really pleased with the way things are working out.
If you’d like to create your own nature-inspired journal, you can find The Nature of Things here in my online store. You can see more of my journal pages here.
5th January
A friend brought back a memento from a recent trip abroad.
6th January
I attended the opening of an art show held by one of my friends.
7th January
I enjoyed making a little space in my life for doing nothing much of anything.
8th January
A lecture at my camera club today reminded me just how much I love photography.
9th January
This is a fabric print that wasn’t the right size for my sewing project, but the perfect size for my daily journal.
10th January
Words to remember.
11th January
Today I spent some time playing with paints, gels and mediums.
At the end of the month I plan to compile the pages into a journal so I’ve been experimenting with making journal covers using the cover from the printable journal kit. I made this cover using chipboard which is not only extremely rigid, you can also sew it. I like how this cover turned out.